Saturday, December 17, 2011


New best friend man: iguanas

Dogs are man's best friend.

This is what we usually hear.

But you would think that if I tell you that iguanas can be your best friend, too?

Of course, we have heard many stories of dealing with people of dogs, cats, birds, and fish such as best friends. But how much would that large reptiles such as snakes and lizards as best friends?

If you are a regular owner, you could take an audit of the rain to take care of an iguana. But you will never know the pleasure felt by those who dared to rise to the challenge.

Let's to look at some of the reasons to have an iguana as a pet:

1. Iguanas are vegetarians.

If you are a pet owner, chances are, you go to a pet store and buy food. It is bearable if you only buy the dog simple meals of food or cat, but what happens if you buy mice? Or worms, cockroaches, crickets and the like? Most of the time you must hold these tiny creatures and feed your pet - whether they be affectionate or apparently insensitive.

You do not have to go to a pet store to feed your iguana. You can all simply choose your Garden Greens or buy fresh vegetables at the grocery store. Is not so simple?

2 Iguanas usually knock off the coast with their owners.

Some lizards and snakes, lizards are known to interact with their loving guardians. There would be some evidence that iguanas can be very close to humans to sleep next to their masters - human.

Some are calm when held by their owners, but would twist and bite when held by a foreigner. Nevertheless, some are so tame that anyone can keep it.

Some lizards would even their owners dress held ridiculous.

3. Iguanas live long.

We all would like to have a pet who would live very long, since you will invest emotion, not to mention the money for food, medicines and veterinary services.

While rats, hamsters, or bearded dragons can live only a few years, iguanas, like cats and dogs, can live up to 20 years.

In fact, the oldest iguana on the record at 29 years!

4. No hair or fur will stick to your clothes or, worse, enter in your nose!

If you are asthmatic, you know very well the difficulty of being around animals that could make you sick. Lizards, however, be reptiles, have no fur and hair that send you to the hospital.

5. Iguanas are very educational.

Children will learn much when they care for iguanas. They need to know about temperature, tropical forests, livestock, importance of care of lizards, etc.

Too, it is perhaps good to note that these lizards are distant relatives of the dinosaurs and take care of will provide them the children with a place for the study of prehistoric creatures.

Iguanas are good topics for the Show-and-Tell, research, and others, too.

As you can see, there are many reasons to become owner iguana. Why not meet the challenge? Go to your nearest pet store and get an iguana for you and your family now!

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