Saturday, December 24, 2011

Green iguana 1

How to take care of a green iguana

When people talk about the obtaining of an iguana for a pet, they generally refer to the more common species, the "Iguana Iguana" or the Green iguana.

Found in South and Central America and other parts of the Pacific, the iguana has become very popular among pet owners in the United States and in Europe in recent years.

Active in the day, the young iguana is usually green in color, helping to hide from predators in the green vegetation of the forest. With its quick and brutal eye movements, the Green iguana avoids capture quite easily. As the iguana ages, its color changes bright to a muted Green Green.

An iguana in the wild is his day to seek a place sunny to lie on, power and attempt to escape from predators.

Of course, an iguana in captivity is another matter. Although there is no more than to escape from predators, an iguana should be well care by its owner. It may be an animal people's company, but taking care of it is by no means an easy task.

Talk about things to do when taking care of an iguana.

1. Provide a large space of your iguana closed.

As a green iguana can also grow greater than seven feet, pregnant animals should be a priority of all owner.

It may seem that the iguana is satisfied with a small stylus; However, without ample space, it will increase apathetic and will be noted, resulting from the disease and even vulnerability to infection.

The enclosure must be the length of the lizard a few times in depth or width or once and a half in height because the animal needs to move or even climb.

Subsequently, the iguana pet should be given privileges to wander around the House, as long as the owner so that he will be not able to leave or feeding of important things around the House.

2. Provide the large branches or synthetic structures for your animal enclosure.

Not only the Chamber will consider more pleasant to the eye with the addition of the things mentioned above, but they also make the feather a better place to live in green iguana. It will be a good habitat since it will provide a place for basking and climbing - two activities that contribute to the growth of the emotional and psychological iguana.

For the flooring of the enclosure, can use mulch (a material designed to keep waiting for moisture, prevent the growth of weeds and keep the land from erosion) or simply the leaves of your daily life.

3 Make sure you provide the paddock with the good heating device.

You must forget not this since a not properly heated iguana will not able to digest his food well. The owner should provide a good source of iguana UV light. The enclosure should not have any part at a temperature below 26 ° C during at least part must have a temperature of 35 ° c. A projector is good for this purpose.

4. While heating and light are important, provide dark, too.

Six to 10 hours of darkness each night is also important for the well-being of the iguana. The enclosure must be shielded from street lamps or lights in the appliances.

5 Attention to your iguana pet.

Any animal Pet deserves care and interaction of its owner. Just like your regular cat or your dog, merit green iguanas love and affection. If not, given the attention it deserves, a lizard can grow apathetic, sick and eventually die.

There you go. Councils mentioned above are some of the things to be considered in taking care of an iguana. They must not be used as a substitute for a consultation with your veterinarian trust. Professional help is always necessary to ensure that your iguana will live very long.

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