Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Green iguana 1

How to take care of a green iguana

When people talk about the obtaining of an iguana for a pet, they generally refer to the more common species, the "Iguana Iguana" or the Green iguana.

Found in South and Central America and other parts of the Pacific, the iguana has become very popular among pet owners in the United States and in Europe in recent years.

Active in the day, the young iguana is usually green in color, helping to hide from predators in the green vegetation of the forest. With its quick and brutal eye movements, the Green iguana avoids capture quite easily. As the iguana ages, its color changes bright to a muted Green Green.

An iguana in the wild is his day to seek a place sunny to lie on, power and attempt to escape from predators.

Of course, an iguana in captivity is another matter. Although there is no more than to escape from predators, an iguana should be well care by its owner. It may be an animal people's company, but taking care of it is by no means an easy task.

Talk about things to do when taking care of an iguana.

1. Provide a large space of your iguana closed.

As a green iguana can also grow greater than seven feet, pregnant animals should be a priority of all owner.

It may seem that the iguana is satisfied with a small stylus; However, without ample space, it will increase apathetic and will be noted, resulting from the disease and even vulnerability to infection.

The enclosure must be the length of the lizard a few times in depth or width or once and a half in height because the animal needs to move or even climb.

Subsequently, the iguana pet should be given privileges to wander around the House, as long as the owner so that he will be not able to leave or feeding of important things around the House.

2. Provide the large branches or synthetic structures for your animal enclosure.

Not only the Chamber will consider more pleasant to the eye with the addition of the things mentioned above, but they also make the feather a better place to live in green iguana. It will be a good habitat since it will provide a place for basking and climbing - two activities that contribute to the growth of the emotional and psychological iguana.

For the flooring of the enclosure, can use mulch (a material designed to keep waiting for moisture, prevent the growth of weeds and keep the land from erosion) or simply the leaves of your daily life.

3 Make sure you provide the paddock with the good heating device.

You must forget not this since a not properly heated iguana will not able to digest his food well. The owner should provide a good source of iguana UV light. The enclosure should not have any part at a temperature below 26 ° C during at least part must have a temperature of 35 ° c. A projector is good for this purpose.

4. While heating and light are important, provide dark, too.

Six to 10 hours of darkness each night is also important for the well-being of the iguana. The enclosure must be shielded from street lamps or lights in the appliances.

5 Attention to your iguana pet.

Any animal Pet deserves care and interaction of its owner. Just like your regular cat or your dog, merit green iguanas love and affection. If not, given the attention it deserves, a lizard can grow apathetic, sick and eventually die.

There you go. Councils mentioned above are some of the things to be considered in taking care of an iguana. They must not be used as a substitute for a consultation with your veterinarian trust. Professional help is always necessary to ensure that your iguana will live very long.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Green iguanas

Some of the myths of the Green iguana

People often have green iguanas have some misconceptions in their regard. These myths may interfere with the ability to care for a green iguana. Some of these myths may not be too harmful. However, some of these myths may be hazardous to the health and well-being of a green iguana. Here are some common myths about green iguanas that you should know about:

(1) You can eat lettuce green iguanas - this myth has some truth. Naturally, since green iguanas are better preserved on a vegetarian diet, you can eat lettuce. However, you must be aware that most salad lettuce types have very little nutritional value. Some people realize when it is already too late to change the diet of the iguana. This is because a green iguana which is mainly fed lettuce will continue to eat lettuce, even if the best foods are added to its diet.

If you want to take care of your green iguana, you feed the vegetables which have a high nutritional value. Cabbage examples jumper, mustard and turnip green.

(2) The iguanas are not catching up their cages - some people think that keep iguanas in small cages cause their growth to be stunted. These people provide small cages for their lizards to keep a practical size. This will certainly not help your green iguana. A green iguana, when properly supported, can reach up to six feet long. This means that keeping in a small cage will only achieve the feat of making your life green iguana very uncomfortable.

(3) Lizards need to eat gravel to help their digestion - it is a very dangerous myth. Some people add small stones or gravel to the enclosure of a lizard because they think that these help a green iguana to digest its food. However, you must get that account gravel or this material could kill your green iguana, if it is consumed. Try to avoid your green iguana feeding these materials, by accident or design.

(4) Hot rocks are a good thing for heating - some people add a green iguana enclosure hot rocks, thinking that these rocks are good for the body of an iguana temperature. What you need to retain, is that green iguanas are cold blooded. This means that if a green iguana is sitting on a hot rock, it can literally be cooked to death. If you want to warm up for a green iguana enclosure, you must use special lighting available in most pet stores.

(5) The iguanas can eat insects, food for domestic animals and other products of animal origin - many sources today still State that iguanas should be animal protein in their diet. However, the truth is that green iguanas are best adapted to a herbivorous diet. The body and the metabolism of a green iguana is designed to effectively use vegetable proteins. Animal proteins, however, can be very disturbing for them. The consumption of animal protein can cause your iguana green develop gout. It may also lead to serious kidney problems. The only reason lizards eat insects in the wild is because that these get mixed with their food accidentally.

Here are some of the myths that you may have heard on green iguanas. Knowing the truth about these myths, you are now equipped to provide the best possible care to a green iguana.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Baby Green Iguana

Interesting Informations About The Baby Green Iguana

The green iguana is one kind of reptile which is commonly found all throughout South and Central America. The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definite proof that the green iguana ranks among the endangered animals but then it is sometimes misconstrued to be one because it is a major attraction to the hunters. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. The green iguana is also a favorite delicacy of some and it is known by the name of “Bamboo Chicken”.

The Physical Appearance of the Green Iguana

The overly grown green iguanas typically grow in between four and six feet but there are some that extend up to seven feet. The tail takes up almost all of the length since it ranks to be almost half of the entire body measurement. Despite their being green, there is likewise the dominant black stripe coloring in its body. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green. The skin of the green iguana is mostly rough primarily because of the pointy scales along the animal’s back. The green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers so that they can easily grasp and climb.

The Habitat of the Green Iguana

Baby green iguanas are typically raised in the tropical rainforest areas specifically in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources like those of the streams and rivers. Most of their formative years are confined in the forest top at about forty up to fifty feet high atop the ground.

The Admirable Adaptations of the Baby Green Iguanas

Aside from the invariable claws and long fingers possessed by the baby green iguanas, they also have a lot of proficient and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. One of their defense mechanisms is their tail which is obviously sharp and is snapped high into the air when danger is sensed. Once a predator gets the chance to grab the tail, it grows again without any damage at all. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough—it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. The pigmentation on the skin of the baby green iguana helps out in the camouflaging especially when there are predators in the area. But then when their predators detect them, the baby green iguanas are able to swiftly jump from the trees and then dive directly into the water. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers.

Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. Imagine that they do fall off the ground at about 40 up to 50 feet but they still manage to come unhurt. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins. This is the special flap on their skins which they use to impress the female green iguanas or to intimidate their oncoming predators. With these dewlaps, they manage to let themselves appear bigger. Another excellent characteristic for the green iguanas is that they are able to keep fat under their own necks and jaws for quite a time especially when there is not much of the food at hand.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Giant green iguana

One healthy giant Green Lizard like no other

Giant green iguanas are the thing "in" now. It is one of the most popular reptiles is held captive and is supported in most households. Therefore you should not be surprised if your child asks a instead of the usual cats or dogs.

If you base on the word "giant", you think no doubt that these iguanas will appear as well. Many owners of iguana aspirants will be surprised at the size of these reptiles can transform in his adult years. You may have drawn a little familiar with accessories store cute only to realize later that things would fall outside your pet anymore.

These are what can turn into giant green iguana. They may seem small at first, but they can cultivate their maximum size if you know how to do it right. Now, how do you that?

You can start off the coast by choosing healthier iguana, that you can find. You will see this if the iguana appears to be active and alert. Discover their bodies and parts of the body. They should be round and with no sign of scratches, bumps or lumps.

The difference between healthy and a non-healthy iguana can be seen by their movements. A sound not to sit and remain standing in one place. You'll find move in their cage as if curious with what is happening around them. Their eyes would appear round. Their mother tongue should also flick in and out while moving.

You should not make the error of selecting the one which seems to be quiet to think that they can easily be supported. Another error is the choice that seems ill because you pity for reptiles. These are signs that the lizard is not really healthy after all. You can finish by your regret later.

The next step is providing a suitable and comfortable home. Will depend on the aquarium that you must buy on how small or grown up to your pet is already. Smaller lizards require aquariums of fibers 10 to 29.

The best thing to do, is having a cage built custom. Will it prevent you travel in a cage after the other, once the iguana starts growing. It does not matter if you think that the cage is too large for your pet. Finally, it will increase more large and will need more space to move.

The kind of diet that you give your iguana will determine how healthy or not, it will be. In their young years iguanas should be fed every day. While those of their older years can be fed after all the two days.

Lizards are carnivorous, best food to give them are green leafy vegetables. They will ensure that they maintain a healthy and balanced diet. You should do to maintain the kind of diet you will give your pet so that it will not reveal not fat, obese and lazy.

Female iguanas tend to not eat the food you give them. Perhaps because they are in phase of development of their eggs. Once past this stage, they will receive their appetite back. Just be patient for free food so they will become thin and unenergetic.

Have a healthy lizard, it is just a question of the necessary measures. If you want your giant green iguanas to live for years to come, you will take the time to review all aspects necessary to their growth.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gian Green Iguana 2

Significant Insights about the Giant Green Iguana

The term giant green iguana refers to the giant lizards. They are said to be giants because they grow up to five to six feet in a span of four to five years. If you prefer not to have a big lizard under your care, then do not opt for a giant green iguana. There are no dwarf versions of this species so you must understand from the very start that green iguanas by nature can grow really large. You cannot by all means make an iguana a dwarf version not unless you expose it to severe chronic malnutrition and then to continuous hypothermia.

Of course, when you do keep it safe on a tank that measures only up to ten gallons, its normal growth will be hideously hindered. Such kind of environment will also make the iguana sick and crazy to the highest level. If you are really serious in making the iguana appear small, then kill it slowly. Killing it slowly means keeping it in a very small-spaced tank container, giving it dull food to feed on, and then exposing it to extreme cold. You may likewise try to be humane and just simply buy a stuffed toy iguana.

The iguanas are naturally from the exotic tropical areas so when they are taken in as pets they must be fully maintained. Meaning, they must be catered with sufficient and healthy food, homey housing environment, proper lighting, and utmost tender love and care. In the absence of any of these factors, they can be subject to premature death. It is a must that you know for a fact if you will love to take care of a giant green iguana before purchasing one. They get extremely huge live and a span of twelve to fifteen years.

In terms of the breeding season, the mature male iguanas, which are then capable of mating with a female iguana, will usually appear rambunctious, mean, and grumpy. Meanwhile, the sexually active and mature female iguanas are able to lay eggs despite the absence of the male iguanas. More so, proper care should be given to the female iguanas so as they will be able to carry out a successful lying of their eggs. In truth, the giant green iguanas can be cared as pets both by the young and old.

Indeed, the giant green iguana ranks as one of the well-known and most sought-after lizards. Most of the buyers of the giant green iguana have no idea at all as to how huge the young iguana could grow when the right time comes. The full-grown giant male green iguanas measure up to almost seven feet. When it comes to feeding them, vegetables are a must. Pay particular attention to offering them the leafy ones since they are plant-eaters by nature. Fruit such as banana can also be included in the iguana's diet. At a very young stage, it is important to feed the iguanas with diversified sorts of food because it is during this time that they learn to recognize the food preferences that they will go for. Once or twice in a week, the iguana should be given a small quantity of a vitamin and mineral supplement which is especially intended for reptiles. When all these insights are followed, you can be certain that your pet iguana will grow healthy.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Green iguana

Instead of: the Green Iguana Surf Camp

Do you want to experience pleasure and leisure while learning at the same time?

If the property get, green Iguana Surf Camp is the place for you.

Green Iguana Surf Camp has been in the business for a long time now, guests not only to the waves, but also to benefit from the experience of teaching comprehensive surf - while ensuring that you know how to protect yourself in the Costa Rica waters.

Found in the heart of Playa Sunday, where the waves are more consistent in all of the Costa Rica, green Iguana Surf Camp offers one of a kind adventure for young and old alike; for fans of surfing and your holiday junkie average; the researcher of thrill and the exhausted traveller.


Examples of tropical beaches, Playa Sunday perfect surrounding shores and reefs, as Guapil of the Playa, Playa Dominicalito, Playa Hermosa and Playa Ventanas, are full of ideal surfing sites.

With their easy-to-ride circuit breakers for more difficult types of waves, there is simply no flat surfs the premises mentioned above, making them good locations for aspiring to become a qualified surf. However, intermediate and advanced, surfers can still in beautiful pointbreaks known as "Point of dads" Sunday Playa native or "The Point" of many skills.

Green Iguana Surf Camp offers many activities other than navigation. With its tropical forest cover, the beaches to cut breath and several waterfalls, an adventurer can engage in tours, kayaking and even rappelling. The tired traveller, however, can still relax and watch the Golden sunset, while stretched lazily in a hammock, the sound of the waves rolling in the background.


Green Iguana Surf camp also offers accommodation to its guests. There are two types: the housing on the beach and the housing of the tropical forest.

1 Diuwak (pronounced as "Dee-you-wak") Resort is for those who want to be near the ocean. Elegant, rustic and yet comfortable, it is approximately 100 metres from the sea. Diuwak has a package and Package two rooms.

• Package 1 or standard room has beds single and double, a toilet with heating, telephone, electric fan or air conditioner.

• Package 2 or deluxe room has all the facilities of Package 1, but are a little larger. They also have a TV and a mini refrigerator.

2 Rainforest accommodation offers different arrangements, but, as its name indicates, it is a place where you can stay in the forest surrounded by the deep silence of nature. Therefore, if you want to learn to surf to Costa Rica and to reflect on your life, Green Iguana Surf Camp home of the tropical forest is the kind of accommodation to choose.

Other characteristics

In addition to the nice accommodation, guided tours to the various beaches and areas of surf and excursions to the waterfalls, green Iguana Surf Camp offers also experienced professors and lifeguard surf lessons, a CD featuring photos of your statement of surf, t-shirt Green iguana, a trip to the reptile Park and return transport between the airport of San Jose. Packages also include meals and a therapeutic massage.

Which package you choose, green Iguana Surf Camp guarantees pure pleasure!

Now, close the eyes. Imagine you days, weeks or months from now in your holding of summer or this lean bikini (no need for this combination), smile with children of Sun tanned, with attractive waves and palm trees skilfully lined Beach in the background.

Seduce, right? What you expect then? Contact green Iguana Surf Camp now!

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