Showing posts with label Iguana1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iguana1. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011


How to choose a healthy iguana

Thus, you have decided to get a pet.

But you don't know what yet.

Leave you the comfort of your home sweet and go to the local pet store. After considering several types of dogs, cats, birds and even fish, you suddenly realize you want something out of the ordinary; something that would certainly turn heads.

You look around, suspicious that you could not find the perfect pet when suddenly you chance on a tank or two of the very green lizards with whales hanged chins. Some are just infants, while others seem a little old. You get excited and want to know what are the animals. You ask the clerk or the owner of the pet store their topic. He or she told you.

It also gives other interesting information, like reptiles came to the Peru, Surinam, Honduras, Columbia, or the Mexico; There are over 700 species of animals. or lizards are called "Bamboo chicken" in some places.

You listen more and nod your head in agreement while you saying that you must obtain this animal for a pet. Finally, you say you. You have found the pet of your dreams - iguana.

However, you want to ensure that the animal is in good health. You are not only prepared to spend your money on an animal that would quickly die. So, what are you supposed to do?

The answer is simple: a test of touch.

The shop owner must allow you to take the iguana chosen with both hands. You can use the finger of the hand to inspect different parts of the body of the animal.

What things are you looking for?

In terms of its common aspect, consider the following:

• The skin should be firm, clear, clean and free of bites and scratches. (Bites and scratches may get infected later.)

• The stomach should be free of burns. (Burns can heal, but the skin would always be very sensitive to heat).

• Stomach has no basis in stool. (A dirty stomach indicates that the animal is living in an unhealthy environment which may make it sick and weak).

• The opening is free of dried feces and urine. (The presence of these shows that the lizard may have parasites and protozoa in his stomach).

• Iguana strongly resists when its parts of the body are moved. (Weakness and instability may be a sign that the lizard is injured or suffering from insufficient calcium).

• Branches, tail and body have no lumps, bumps or swelling. (Cysts, infections and fractures need veterinary treatment).

• Rear legs and thighs are shaped normally. (A swollen leg can indicate a fracture; two legs or thighs, an insufficient supply of calcium).

• Branches are robust and complete, while the body is smooth and dynamic research. (If the branches are very thin, the lizard may be starving or dehydrated). (If the body appears wrinkled and dull, it can be bacterial infections or parasitic.)

For his head, eyes, ears, nose and mouth, you can take note of the following:

• The eyes must be clear. (If they are feeling, crust, or emotional, it might be an infection in the respiratory system or the inflammation of the eyes.)

• Nose has no mucus dry or wet. (Sparkling or dried mucus is an indication of infection in the respiratory system).

• The Interior of the mouth must be in good health. (Infections cause rotting of the Interior of the mouth).

• Jaw is not swollen. (If it is, then, the animal may have a metabolic disease).

• There is no swelling or cuts on his face, fanon or neck. (Swellings may indicate abscesses).

In terms of behaviour, observe the following:

• A healthy baby would attempt to flee.

• A lizard not responding in your hands may be extremely ill.

These are some of the things that you should look out for when you buy a pet iguana.

Now that you know how to identify a healthy iguana and you have already identified a healthy, you leave the store with a smile on your face. It will not be a job easy to grow your iguana newly acquired, but it is sure worth a test.

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